So, the week ended well. Now we all get a day off for laundry and saying hello to loved ones.
Today, we worked in a scene where we made Max Moore run all over the set working two puppets – people will think it’s brilliant meta-theatricality. In reality, we just couldn’t afford anymore puppetters – though I guess we didn't need to put the two puppets as far away as possible, but it seemed if we were going to torture the guy - why not? Also, we keep coming up for great ideas for bits and puppets long after we’ve spent all of our puppet and set budgets. Fiddlesticks! Perhaps we can get old-school and make some things on the cheap cheap – we’ll see. Ludwig made a new puppet Friday out of scraps he got from the props department, so yes, I smell some old school coming on.
Still, we ended on a high note, and people actually get some time off, which allows Ludwig to fix some puppets and rig a thing or two. Sadly, he leaves us now for a couple of weeks (Oregon needs puppets stat!), but he’ll be back. Oh yes, he'll be back.
Oh, I forgot to say, when we went for margaritas on Friday night, we went to a bar where someone accidentally pulled the fire alarm at one point, which not only sent sand into everyone's drinks, but also called the fire department. Oddly, we were on the back deck, so we didn't notice till we looked up and saw the place filled with fire-fighters and the manager came out to see if we needed anything and then asked us to not go back into the building. How did we miss that? Two words: margaritas!