Thursday, May 04, 2006

will the real max moore please stand up?

So day two.

This is hard stuff. Sure I know every show is hard, and just theatre as an art form is hard (which I think explains why so much of it is bad), but this seems to be rather challenging. Luckily the cast is great, great, great. They’re in there helping each other out, and it looks like every scene in the show is going to feature our 4 main ensemble puppeteers – quite a workout for those 4. I guess what makes it tough is that it’s Shakespeare, which adds challenges, and it has so many different kinds (and just different) of puppets that we’re spending tons of time working discovering what they can and can’t do - Figuring out how they work, and sometimes just figuring out how they walk and talk. As Ludwig said, “puppets are anarchists, they’re not interested in helping you out”. Luckily, he’s a bit of an Obi Wan in rehearsals, offering wisdom, showing tips, and calming our newbie’s.

Also, I found out from my wife (who is from Seattle) that Max Moore (who just moved here from Seattle) was some kind of rockstar up there. Apparently we snagged one of comedy’s best. Go team. I googled Max Moore to find a picture for this entry, but I just found this picture of another Max Moore – who is the on the school board in (maybe?) Hawaii. I kind of wish our Max Moore could look liks this. Sigh.

Also, super props to Lorna Howley, the woman was the Head Puppeteer at the Center of Puppetry Arts for 10 years – and it shows. She’s awesome. Also, she seems to have the foulest mouth in the cast – which if you have to be two things, those are two great things to be.


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