Monday, November 26, 2007

2nd preview - wonderful/awful

During the intermission of the second preview - I had an inspiring and then humbling experience. A small child came up to ask me if I was the director, and if so, how could he get into acting, and even more importantly how could he get into Christmas Carol. He was probably 10. It was incredibly sweet. And just as I was feeling pretty good - the man in front of me turned around to ask if I could chew my gum quieter - after he was done, his son said "thank you". I told the cast the next day, and they laughed and laughed - and somewhere, they are still laughing.

For opening, Pablo bought me a ton of gum. Look out second to last row!


Blogger SupportTheArts said...

Hey Sean I've enjoyed reading your blog and was sad that no one is leaving you any comments. Now you have mine.


11:45 PM  

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