Tuesday, July 24, 2007

geek love

The best part of standing in line for HARRY POTTER at Powell's in Portland wasn't that we saw a girl get so excited that she licked the book (though that was rather fabulous). It was that at one point, some drunk frat guy (we'll call him Chet) walked by and slurred "what are you all waiting for Harry Potter or something" - and suddenly the whole line stood up straight and slowly moved towards him.

As though, for once in our geek life, we weren't going to let some football player take our lunch money or put our head in the toilet - there was a surge of geek pride as we gave him the frowning of a life-time. Chet backed away quickly as the line moved towards him and stumbled off into the night.

Everyone looked around and nodded their heads, this night was ours. With our foe vanquished, we all qucikly returned to our conversation about how there was no way the movie of the GOLDEN COMPASS would be as good as the book. Seriously, it just won't be.


Blogger Overdroid said...

I walked into a Barnes and Noble on the Saturday after the book came out and just bought it off the shelf. Last year I had to go to Costco and do that, bookstores had sold all their books. Have you finished it yet? Did you get to the part where [ DELETED BY THE HIGH OFFICE OF AURORS ]? I couldn't believe that part.

3:09 PM  

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