So, we had the most delightful workshop in Pittsburgh – apparently we give off some kind of pheromone, as the city seemed to be hitting us on the whole time. The first night some 20 year old waiter bought Julie and I drinks and tried to “chat her up”. I gladly took my free drink and nodded.
Two nights later a drunk girl in a bar actually tried to entice Matt D with the “I’m throwing a fishing line to you”, when that didn’t work she started to spank herself, and when that didn’t work she tried to “drop it like it’s hot” at which point she fell over and her friends had to help her away – maybe she was really just drunk, or maybe that’s the power of excitement our cast holds over the people of Pittsburgh.
Oh, right the play! Carly did smart good work on it – shorter, tighter, and started adjusting things to the actual actors that would be doing the play.
Also, on the set front, we’ve gone thru couple of colors on the back wall and have settled on a wonderful burnt orange – the idea is that the house was gorgeous in 1978 when they moved in – and from that moment, has only had things removed from it.
Here's a quick pic of them for costume purposes - they could totally be in a line-up couldn't they?
We were at the City Theater in Pittsburgh – which is Masterson’s old theater – and it’s just complete coincidence that we were there as our actor Matt was in a show (13th of Paris). Marc had hinted there somewhere in the building there was a picture of him with a serious mustache – we spent our time looking – and low and behold, there it was – in all it’s glory. Masterson and the circa 1980 stash. I’m sure that had he joined our mustached competition for Hedwig, he would have taken us and would have the “fireman ready” trophy that Bing Putney now holds.
Good times, good times.